2025 Agenda

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Setting new measurement standards with the CNS Drone SkyRF



3:00pm – 3:25pm


Wing Theatre


Event details

Intersoft Electronics and Skyguide have developed SkyRF®, the drone-based CNS measurement service that addresses the challenges of CNS performance analysis and certification.
SkyRF® can measure CNS system parameters in a single 10-minute flight, and can even combine the measurement of different CNS, e.g. ILS and DME. Traditional test flights cannot compete with the repeatability of SkyRF®’s pre-programmed trajectories. The drone complements existing ground measurements by reducing ground clutter as it flies at altitude.
As a result, the correlation between SkyRF® (i.e. ground measurements) and test flights is very good, and test flights can be reduced to one campaign per year. This reduces CO2 emissions and noise pollution by 50%.
During this session we will report and explain the progress of CNS measurements by drone, and exactly how SkyRF® delivers this positive environmental impact and what the operational and financial benefits are for air navigation service providers and military CNS users.

Event speakers

Hervé Demule

Skyguide, Swiss Air Navigation Services

Navigation Engineer


Mattijs Hertsens

Intersoft Electronics Services

Project Manager


Subject Areas

Setting new measurement standards with the CNS Drone SkyRF