FREQUENTIS X10 prepares Luxembourg Airport for future-ready voice communications

  • Frequentis X10 voice communication system (VCS) to modernise tower and approach
    infrastructure for air/ground and ground/ground communications
  • X10 VCS provides a market-leading approach to cyber security and the most intuitive
    Human Machine Interface (HMI) for the air traffic controllers

Luxembourg Air Navigation Administration (ANA) has selected the Frequentis X10 VCS to modernise the voice communication system infrastructure for its tower control and approach centre at Luxembourg Airport.

Gerald Mohnl, Director ATM Communication; Claudio Clori-Fugazza CEO Luxembourg ANA; Herman Mattanovich, CTO Frequentis; ©

X10 VCS is a fully software-based and air traffic management (ATM)-grade IT VCS, suited for both virtualised and conventional airspace. The offered solution provides all essential features for reliable air/ground and ground/ground communications. It provides the resilience and cyber security required of a system built for safety-critical ATM, with a unique multi-redundancy design, as well as the ability to adapt capacity depending on demand.

“The X10 is our next-generation VCS system, designed with operational agility and a future-proof update strategy that will ensure business continuity throughout ATM operations,” says Hannu Juurakko, Frequentis Executive Vice President ATM Civil and Chairman of the ATM Executive Team. “Having
worked with Luxembourg ANA for over 20 years, we are dedicated to supporting them with the changing demands of their airspace, providing the most modern VCS on the market with a clear path to a future unified communication solution.”

Frequentis X10 VCS adds value to every air traffic control operation, making it particularly strong from the air traffic controllers’ perspective. The loading of roles and the handling of scenarios are easy and intuitive, without any disruption to service provision. The advanced user functions, including sensitive and gesture-based operation, ensure any clutter on the operator panel is eliminated.

“As a long-term customer of Frequentis for many decades, we trust their solutions implicitly and are looking forward to this VCS modernisation to support our airspace with managing increasing demands, as well as preparing us for future requirements and ensuring the highest level of safety for our customers,” says Claudio Clori, Director, Administration of Air Navigation.

Thierry Hirtz, Head of Certification, Luxembourg ANA, Herman Mattanovich, CTO Frequentis; Claudio Clori-Fugazza CEO Luxembourg
ANA; Alex Ronach, Sales Central Europe, Frequentis; Gerald Mohnl, Director ATM Communication; © Frequentis

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