2025 Agenda

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A technical deep dive into the world of SWIM/Initial Trajectory Information sharing



11:30am – 11:55am


Frequentis Theatre


Event details

A technical deep dive into the world of SWIM/Initial Trajectory Information sharing.

SWIM (System Wide Information Management) and Initial Trajectory Information Sharing are key concepts in the context of SESAR deployment in Europe. SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) aims to modernize and harmonize European air traffic management (ATM).

SWIM (System Wide Information Management): SWIM serves as a foundational framework for enabling seamless information exchange across stakeholders in the aviation ecosystem, such as air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airlines, airports, and the military. It standardizes the way operational data (e.g., flight plans, weather, aeronautical data) is shared to ensure interoperability, timeliness, and accuracy. This is achieved through service-oriented architectures and shared protocols.

Initial Trajectory Information Sharing: This involves the early and collaborative exchange of flight trajectory data between airlines, air traffic controllers, and other stakeholders. By sharing the planned trajectory from the earliest stages of flight planning, stakeholders can optimize air traffic flow management, reduce delays, and improve predictability. This capability supports the trajectory-based operations concept, a cornerstone of SESAR, where air traffic management focuses on managing flights based on their precise trajectories rather than static routes.

SWIM and Initial Trajectory Information Sharing are essential for enabling a collaborative and efficient air traffic management system in Europe, fostering real-time data exchange and improved predictability, safety, and environmental performance within the SESAR deployment framework.

Event speakers

Magnus Molbaek

SESAR Deployment Manager



Subject Areas

A technical deep dive into the world of SWIM/Initial Trajectory Information sharing