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RefMap EU Project: Reducing Environmental Footprint through Transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning


The RefMap project, “Reducing Environmental Footprint through Transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning” is an EU-funded project under the Horizon Europe programme. RefMap aims to reduce the environmental impact of air travel for airlines and Unmanned Aerial Systems by creating a digital service that optimises flight trajectories on both micro and macro levels.

By using environmental data, such as wind, noise, CO2 and non-CO2 emissions, RefMap’s analytics platform can help airlines make more eco-friendly decisions. This will lead to stricter evidence-based Green policy making in the aviation sector and the development of new aviation business models in line with the EU’s Green Agenda.

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Product Categories

  • Air Traffic Management Systems
  • Drones – UTM
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Flight Data Processing Systems
  • Advanced Air Mobility