Exhibitor bio

https://iacit.com.brIACIT is at the forefront of advanced technologies for application in CNS/ATM.
These are solutions such as the DME 0200, applied to performance-based navigation, modular and ideal for unassisted operations.
Due to our vast know-how in mission-critical systems, we developed MIND, a C4I platform, based on the WEB, that merges data from different sources.
And being among the main companies that dominate the technology applied to Meteorology, we designed and produced the Weather Radar RMT0200, 100% in solid-state, S-Band, Dual Polarization.
IACIT also has a vast portfolio in the areas of Defense and Public Security, with products such as the DRONEBlocker and the Over the Horizon Radar – OTH 0100 .
Exhibitor Video
Product Categories
- Air Traffic Management Systems
- Airfield Operations
- Ground-based Navigation Aids
- Radar