Exhibitor bio

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Voxtronic develops secure communication products and solutions for enterprises with high security requirements and critical infrastructure, air traffic control, public

safety and transport.

Voxtronic modular Conex™ platform is a comprehensive communication system that supports “air-to-ground” and “ground-to-ground” communication.

Key features include:

  • Voice Communication Control System (VCCS): An IP-based solution that integrates radio and public telephone networks with air traffic controllers.
  • Voxlog®: A video and voice documentation system that records and archives communications for safety and legal purposes.
  • Join™VLC: A gateway for integrating analog VCCS sources with modern ATC environments.


Product Categories

  • ATC Towers/Digital Control Towers
  • Communications/Digitalisation/Connectivity
  • Integrated Telephone Systems/Services
  • Radios
  • Surveillance Systems