Exhibitor bio

NAV Portugal
https://www.nav.ptNAV Portugal’s mission is to provide air navigation services in Portuguese airspace, divided into two FIR (Flight Information Regions): Lisbon FIR, covering the entire area of mainland Portugal and the Archipelago of Madeira; and the Santa Maria FIR, covering the Azores archipelago and a wide area of the North Atlantic Ocean.
NAV has an ACC in Lisbon and an Oceanic Control Center in Santa Maria, and Control Towers at the airports of Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Funchal, Porto Santo, Santa Maria, Ponta Delgada, Horta e Flores and Cascais aerodrome. NAV has a team of around 1,000 highly qualified technicians who ensure the safety of passengers and aircraft 24 hours a day,
every day of the year.
Exhibitor Video
Product Categories
- ATC Towers/Digital Control Towers
- Air Traffic Management Systems
- Radios
- Surveillance Systems
- Radomes