Exhibitor bio

Easat Radar Systems Limited
https://www.easat.com/Easat Radar Systems provide complete
Air Traffic Radar Solutions for Civilian and Military Applications.
Services include: –
Fully-Integrated, Solid-State S-Band Primary
Surveillance Radar (PSR)
Mode S Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR)
Surface Movement Radar System (SMR) with Advanced Surface Movement and Guidance Control System (A-SMGCS) Integration
Deployable Primary and Secondary Radar Transportable Systems
Air Traffic Management and Surveillance “Gap-Filling” (ADS-B and MLAT)
Mono-Tube or Lattice Tower Design, Manufacturing & Installation
Temperature & Humidity Controlled Equipment Shelters
Civil Design & Foundation Construction
Spares, Maintenance, Upgrades & Support
Product Categories
- ATC Towers/Digital Control Towers
- Air Traffic Management Systems
- Radar
- Surveillance Systems