Exhibitor bio

ATRAK a.s.
https://www.atrak.czATRAK is a company with over 30 years of experience in providing a comprehensive range of safe, reliable and innovative solutions and services for the Aviation Industry.
Working with Aviation partners in particular with Air Navigations Service Providers (ANSPs) and Airports we have developed ATM Operational and Aeronautical Finance Systems.
ATRAK is a member of the industrial-technological group Czechoslovak Group (CSG) and its division CSG Aerospace.
Exhibitor Video
- Download ATRAK a.s.-H21320/A-Exhibitor Profile [Exhibitor Document Upload]-1.pdf
- Download ATRAK a.s.-H21320/A-Exhibitor Profile [Exhibitor Document Upload]-2.pdf
Product Categories
- Air Traffic Management Systems
- ATC Towers/Digital Control Towers
- Drones – UTM
- Software
- Consultancy